“Liar Liar” Pants on Fire!

Description: Coming to you live … actually not so live from Studio A is “Liar Liar” Pants on Fire! A gameshow where we want your hilarious wrong answers, definitely not your boring right answers.


Discussion: Our group decided that we want to create a gameshow with three standard rounds; a rapid fire, guess the object round and guess the sound these three standard rounds formed the structure of our gameshow. The intention was to integrate comedic elements into the gameshow to make the gameshow more engaging, these included the concept of rewarding wrong answers instead of right answers allowing for improvisation and the integration of the somewhat strange character The Judge. Our group also learned how hard it can be to coordinate the EVS, GFX and Audio operators and you can see in the take that there were parts where our timings throwing to EVS and GFX were a few seconds quick or slow.



Director: Viv

Vision Switcher: Yaw

DA: Vi

Floor Manager: Mia

EVS Operator: Mina

GFX Operator: Jack

Writers: Olivia and Yun



Harriet Host: Sabrina

Peter Participant: Connor

Candice Contestant: Elizabeth

The Judge: Fraser

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