The Knowing Body: From feeling to experience on screen and in sound Memories of Movement Esscents Nostalgic Touch

Acknowledgement of country

We would like to acknowledge Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nations as the Traditional Owners of the land on which RMIT University stands. We acknowledge that these lands were never ceded. We respectfully recognise Elders past, present and emerging. Continue to the exhibition.

The Knowing Body: From feeling to experience on screen and in sound

Media Bodies – The Knowing Body: From feeling to experience on screen and in sound from Media Factory on Vimeo. Colour, scent, movement; how do we recollect our experiences and how are we sharing them? The Knowing Body dives in to how we embody these experiences and, importantly, how we can help, you, our audience […]

Memories of Movement

Memories of Movement Finn Corr | Maddie Hansen | Ruby O’Sullivan-Belfrage | Shiloh Cavallin Through exploring the reactions of our bodies at some of the most joyous points in our lives, Memory of Movement delves into what it takes to turn moments into memories that have lasted a few years, a decade or a lifetime. […]


‘Esscents’ A multi-faceted sensory experience that combines the uses of sight, sound and scent. Here, the connection between location and the human reaction are explored and lived, with immersion pushed to its greatest extent. Where the sky meets the shores, and the trees meet their roots, the sense of smell plays a crucial role in […]

Nostalgic Touch

Touch it, hold it and pass it around, how does it feel? How does it make you feel? ‘Nostalgic Touch’ is the title of the short film that was created, directed and produced by Zoe Anderton, Heidi Iok Hei Lo, and Filip Kanzurovski. ‘Nostalgic Touch’ follows the journey of a stray AFL football and the […]


An exploration into how colour draws out, emphasises and guides our emotional responses. Our media work follows the embodiment of three colours and how they manifest themselves in our sentiments, reactions and behaviour. How do colours convey our vehemence and fervour? Our sentiment and intensity? Our spirit and vigour? These are the answers we seek […]

The Self – Body and Mind

‘Displacement of Body and Mind’ is meant to be centred around a character, Noah, who doesn’t feel comfortable in the activities that other peers would his age. He speaks about the troubles he faces when socialising, when reflecting about the wonders of his acute world, and about how he feels in his own self. His […]


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