
‘Reset’ takes place in the near future, one very similar to the time we live in now, but with one big difference. 12 months ago, the world as a whole agreed to give up their arms and their own ways of governing, surrendering to a single advanced AI in the name of safety and progress.

As the people of this world reach the 1 year anniversary of this event, an ordinary citizen looks back at how much the world has changed, seeing all the good that has come out of it…for the most part.

This piece manifested from my belief that advancements in technology is always a good thing, however it’s the way people decide to use them that makes us all worry. Which begs the question…

How can we use technology to safeguard ourselves from technology?

There was a staggering amount of freedom in approaching this assessment, and out of every piece of video work I’ve down so far, I’m glad to say that this assessment forced me the most, to use all the skills I’ve picked so far. Without further ado, please enjoy ‘Reset.’

By Phillip Trinh

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