Yizhi Wang (Yoyo) s3820041
The mobile placemaking I designed is Uber Customisation. It is a new ride function in the Uber app. The users can set up all their preferences about the trip here, like the car type, music, temperature and so on. It’s like a form and the users can edit the preferences anytime. With this function, people can achieve their favourite experience on every trip.
This idea is based on the Uber app. Uber as an example of digital labour is playing a significant role in human’s life. Moreover, the lockdown during the covid-19 period amplified the growth and impact of the digital economy. Customisation will be a good way for Uber to distinguish itself from other similar apps. The customisation services don’t cost too much or even no cost. It can improve the quality of the service while keeping a similar price to the original.
In conclusion, uber customisation can bring a lot of convenience to people. It provides humanised services and offers the passengers a more comfortable experience. With the growth of digital labour marketing, I believe that this kind of platform will work well with humans.
From this project, I learned a lot about the importance of mobile media to human’s life. My app designing also helped me to think about what digital labour bring to us.
The link to the video: https://vimeo.com/715274883