Seeking Validation

All you see on social media are just thousands of beautiful, incredible and perfect made-up lives. For most people it’s hard to live the life you desire. Therefore, the magical platform of social media allows you to create a concept of your life. You choose the content that you want the public to see. It… More Seeking Validation

LIVE – Lydia Jia

Depression is miserable. It keeps remind you of the darkest way of living. It fragments the life into pieces. However, there will always be some pieces enlightening the life. The illness is in pain but the experiences are precious, no matter it is nostalgic or messy. The most important part is the growth gained from… More LIVE – Lydia Jia

Faceboook Conversations with Friends – Julia Youn

Julia’s zine aims to explore her three personal friendships grown over the years displayed through screenshots of her Facebook messenger and script formats of more conversations alongside confessions. She touches on concepts of authenticity, identity, and confessions through friendships. The script format of her Facebook conversations was added to encourage viewers to visualize the conversations… More Faceboook Conversations with Friends – Julia Youn

Glance Back – Confession Through Technology

Rigoni has created a piece that utilises technology, in an attempt to capture herself in her purest, least curated state, using her laptop’s built-in camera. Using the Chrome extension ‘Glance Back’, she was unexpectedly photographed each day without warning, whilst being asked what she was thinking about at that moment. The juxtaposition between these candid… More Glance Back – Confession Through Technology


Clodagh Craig’s (absent) SELF-PORTRAIT ^ Link to website, otherwise scan QR code below ^ To what extent is the bedroom a reflection of oneself?  Born from the desire to heal an unhealthy relationship with oneself and their identity, Craig seeks to challenge her own ideas of self-representation by detaching her physical appearance of the self… More (absent) SELF-PORTRAIT

hey google, tell me who i am – court joyce

In ‘hey google, tell me who i am’, Court Joyce examines the relationship between individuality and online data collection by reading aloud her Google AdWords. Through this work, she illustrates the impact that the development of online advertising, and the placement of individuals into marketing categories, has on our perception of self, our personhood and… More hey google, tell me who i am – court joyce