Autobiographical Media is a studio centred around themes of the self, authenticity, confession, digital identity, and vulnerability. The studio’s exhibition entitled ‘see me: a collection of Autobiographical media’ features a range of media works in a variety of forms including video, multimedia works, zines, websites, posters, board games, diaries and sculpture. All of which are centred around the question of how can one represent themselves through media.
Tarsila Assis Alannah Kein
Clodagh Craig Tyla Lane
Jack Crowe Claudia Misa
Isabella Esposito Humairaa Mohd Raznan
Lauren Facci Zoe Nikolakopoulos
Amy Gillies Tully Rigoni
Evelyn Ho Quinn Staveley
Finn Hurley Abigail Upson
Nicole Ifurung Kyle Van Rensburg
Lydia Jia Austar Vannak
Courtney Joyce Sa Wang
Julia (Yeo-Vin) Youn