All you see on social media are just thousands of beautiful, incredible and perfect made-up lives.
For most people it’s hard to live the life you desire. Therefore, the magical platform of social media allows you to create a concept of your life. You choose the content that you want the public to see. It creates an illusion of life where people get caught up with their outward appearance.
Luna was living for her image or depiction of what she believed the outside world wanted to see. Valued likes as the only form of currency towards her net worth as a human being. She later wakes up in a dream where her algorithm speaks to her. The algorithm reveals her insecurity and inner self thoughts through her data, google search history and activity. Although, she seemed to sculpt a happy online life. Her data traces left behind personal search histories revealing her unsatisfied wellbeing.
This confessional piece explores the themes of Internet Identity, Technology and Authenticity. As we tend to question the authenticity of the internet.
Is your internet identity your true self?
-Humairaa Mohd Raznan
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