To Verb
- To translate Richard Serra’s Verb List
- To visualise from two different perspectives
- To represent cognitive bias
- To give access to our sense of world via our actions
- To represent the concept of relational aesthetics
- To break the boundaries of interpreting language
- To trigger audience’s thinking and interaction
- To let audiences be the participants in creating their own meaning towards this piece of media
Jason Jia
The key concern I hope my final project to communicate and engage with the audience is what we were learning from the start of the studio till the end, the mode of listing. For our final project the poetic video, me and my teammate chose to adapt one of the previous artwork in a video way. The artwork we chose is Richard Serra’s Verb List which he has written from 1967 to 1978. This is a totally fresh experience for me, I have never done something like this before, it’s quite rare to adopt someone else’s work instead of creating your own work. And I’m satisfied with what we have done, after all, we used different video clips to express the poeticness hidden in a verb list, and edit the video footages of the same verb together and present them to the audience.
Ziyi Ning
Our final media piece stimulates different meanings to it which we didn’t expect before by using a poetic approach. In the reading of Frankham’s book, she talks about the “changefulness and complexity are addressed and the modes of spectator engagement and participation that may be activated in a poetic approach”. (2013, pp. 137) Our project demonstrates this idea successfully, as viewers may have different thinking habits or way of thinking, it adds an open space to the audience and our poetic approach leads to a “complexity” and “changefulness”.
Frankham, B.L., 2013. ‘Complexity, flux and webs of connection,’ in:A Poetic Approach to Documentary: Discomfort of Form, Rhetorical Strategies and Aesthetic Experience. University of Technology Sydney, Sydney. pp. 137
Charlotte Duanmu
This project is about visualising an artistic paperwork listed by Richard Serra about his verb list on “verbs that related to oneself”. By using experimental approaches and poetic conventions, the project aimed to explore and experiment with the expense of lists. I did the whole post-production part, including editing, colour grading, sound design, subtitles and voiceover. This project enhanced my group collaboration ability, especially in this special worldly pandemic era, from an idea to a question and to a group-making project. I’ve developed some experimental filmmaking techniques during this time: extreme close-ups, shaky camera, break the fourth wall and after effects like split-screen, fission screens and unique sound design using ambience and syns to generate emotions. And what’s more, in the daily list-using society, how list can have different functions whether to simplify or more complicated, categories or personal convey, its finite and infinite existence.