Just another Media Factory site

VOUGISH (casey cassar)

VOUGISH is a never before seen platform that allows users to find outfits and accessories that they see online on influencers, all in the same app.

Summary of my work in this group project:

Within the team I fulfilled the duty of creating the app, working on the app interface design, planning part of the business development ideas and working as a team to ensure we produce the most effective and easy to use app.


Our team firstly started with the idea to only sell high quality and high end items from A-list celebrities – but through lots of research we decided to start small with micro influencers until we gain enough revenue and money flow to expand to celebrities. Once we had this foundation idea we then brainstormed what regulations and ethics we would govern in the app. Once all of this was decided we split up assignment 4 into focus points (linking our app to context learnt in class, video teaser, and app creation) and collaborated it all at the end.

You can view our app walk through via this link:


POST BY: Casey Cassar s3895519

rmitmediastudent • May 27, 2022

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