Draft video presentation

The following is a framework to help you prepare for the (draft) prototype presentations due Friday May 19 in the studio 9.30-11.30.

The key aim of the (draft) prototype presentation is to use it to prepare for the final presentations to Lentara on Friday May 26 in week 12.

We suggest you prepare a storyboard of the video you will present in week 12. This storyboard can take many forms – a slide ppt, a sketch, a mocked up video (animatic). The trick here is not to take to much time off your prototype work and most importantly utilise the work you are doing on your prototype (as work-in-progress) to bring to the draft presentation for feedback from the studio and client.

In the final presentation the expectation is that you will play your video to the panel first, then take questions from the panel in regards to providing additional clarification where needed. Therefore, when you design your video think about it being able to stand alone to communicate what your prototype is and how it can be developed. In other words your video could be shown to other Lentara staff, or corporate companies, as a way to communicate the potential of your prototype – for further development and implementation. It is a type of pitch to get your prototype implemented.

Presentation video guidelines:

A guide below to designing your presentations. You don’t have to follow this exactly but remember to keep it succinct and demonstrate your strategy.

Part 1: TITLE
Title of your project (i.e Be Loyal etc)
Group names
Visual/s that encapsulate your prototype

Remind the client, the studio – what problem your project is seeking to address. You may need to briefly provide the narrative of how the problem has shifted and been re-defined (from week 1 through to post the week 8 panel). In here you will also state clearly what you are making as a prototype (in regards to the urgency of the problem and what the client is expecting (picking up on the feedback from week 9 & 10).

This is the focal point in the design of your video presentation. Use visuals here as much as you can to demonstrate what your prototype is…(photos, drawings, plans, schematics, video…) Speak to visuals as much as possible (rather than text)…Pitch to the panel the potential of your prototype (and your fresh ideas) in relation to what they offer from a bigger picture perspective.

In the final section be honest and transparent about where your prototype is at… with the aim to communicate what is required from this point to make it happen.

Part 5: (for draft presentation only) 
Invite questions from the panel.

Week 5A studio preparation tasks.

It would be great for groups to respond to the following activities before the first week 5 studio on Wednesday.

1. Presentation debrief – Please add in your comments to this google-doc to get this conversation happening in the studio in advance.

2. Problem statements – Thanks for getting in your return briefs yesterday. We will check the submission of these in the studio on Wednesday. Following up on the clients’ feedback on Friday before we move to starting ‘Brief 3: Concepts’ we need to write up revised problem statements for each of the projects and get these to Lentara for feedback and final clarification. Based on the feedback you got last Friday could each group add their revised problem statement to this shared g-doc under your group no.

3. Collaboration contracts – The other thing we need to establish as we move into the heavy lifting part of the studio (producing concepts and prototypes) is some agreed ways that you as a group will work on projects – the governance of your project team. The governance you put in place will affect the assessment of your group projects. Please refer to the Collaborative contract pro-forma document before the studio and begin planning how you will document meetings and the activities of each group member for potentially reporting issues back to the studio leads.