Week 5A studio preparation tasks.

It would be great for groups to respond to the following activities before the first week 5 studio on Wednesday.

1. Presentation debrief – Please add in your comments to this google-doc to get this conversation happening in the studio in advance.

2. Problem statements – Thanks for getting in your return briefs yesterday. We will check the submission of these in the studio on Wednesday. Following up on the clients’ feedback on Friday before we move to starting ‘Brief 3: Concepts’ we need to write up revised problem statements for each of the projects and get these to Lentara for feedback and final clarification. Based on the feedback you got last Friday could each group add their revised problem statement to this shared g-doc under your group no.

3. Collaboration contracts – The other thing we need to establish as we move into the heavy lifting part of the studio (producing concepts and prototypes) is some agreed ways that you as a group will work on projects – the governance of your project team. The governance you put in place will affect the assessment of your group projects. Please refer to the Collaborative contract pro-forma document before the studio and begin planning how you will document meetings and the activities of each group member for potentially reporting issues back to the studio leads.

Week 3 – Transition Design Workshop preparation

On Wednesday 22 March we will run the studio in the new RMIT Experience Design Centre.

Please meet in our normal room (9.3.6) at 9:30am sharp then we will walk together to the EDC. The EDC is a new augmented space designed explicitly to help co-design around ‘wicked problems’ of the type you are all confronted with now.

Together we will workshop each group’s ‘problem space’, using Transition Design methods.

Here’s 4 pages from the primer on Transition Design: Transition_Design_Monograph_edited_v2-1ehzhl9 (and here’s a link to the full document with extensive references).

Here’s Herbst Rittel’s original ‘wicked problem’ paper: 081012_Rittel_Wicked_Problems_Papers_Ken-1p6di1d *

Here’s design council UK’s articulation of the ‘double diamond’ design process: http://www.designcouncil.org.uk/news-opinion/design-process-what-double-diamond



Problem Space

Today we asked you to individually in your groups define the problem that Lentara is asking you to work on in a sentence. With this sentence we asked you to draw the problem and then add both of these outputs to your group category on the studio Google Community.

For the Wednesday (transition workshop) next week in week 4 we asked you to decide as group what your problem is in as sentence and then add it also to your group category on the studio Google Community. You will be using this sentence on Wednesday to introduce your projects in discussions with the client and the workshop facilitators.


Your key resource is the IDEO HCD field guide posted earlier, with specific reference to the Inspiration phases of the design process pages 31-33. Think about using the tools on page 33 to help your group refine your problem sentence.