SUW SKO week 8

Hi all as discussed in the week 8 tutorials last week.

This week use your SKO 20 minutes of shut-up-and-write time to reflect on the Wednesday presentations and the feedback from the panels. You may like to also include the group discussion with Gemma on Friday about the proposal summary for the upcoming prototypes.

Again (if needed), use the 4 R reading again to guide this reflection:

Reported: Identify an issue.
Relating: Connect the issue to your professional skills and experience.
Reasoning: Focus on factors underlying the issue you have identified. Make connections with theory and consider what a person in this professional area would do to work with these issues.
Reconstructing: Think about how you would do things differently next time.

Ryan, Mary, and Michael Ryan. “Teaching and Assessing Reflection in Higher Education.” Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. 2012. Seminar, Centre for Recording Achievement, QUT Draw Project. – Reflection slide from the presentation – The 4 Rs for Reflective Thinking

SUW Week 6

For this weeks SUW reflection think about the branding presentation on Wednesday as a starting point and use the reflection resource from design to help you frame that reflection.

Reflecting web page

Other links:

Reflective writing design webpages

SKO workshop notes and links

The framework to use a catalyst and guide for your writing (from the Reflecting web page):

Identify an insight. This is a new understanding that emerged from the studio activities or your design process. It may be a practical, theoretical or critical understanding such as a new awareness of certain factors in the design process, a new method that improves your efficiency, a deeper understanding of a particular issue, a connection between a particular theory and practice, a model that supports your interrogation of a problem, or a framework for evaluating design outcomes.

Step 2: Describe Describe
Briefly describe the incident that led to this insight. What was the catalyst?

Step 3: Interpret Interpret
Interpret the insight. Explain the connection between this insight and the methods, principles and theory of the design field.

Step 4: Evaluate Evaluate
Evaluate the significance of this new understanding for you. This may relate to the further development of the project or future design projects, or to your design process or the way you think about design.

Step 5: Plan Plan
Plan how you might transfer this new understanding to future projects and/or practice. Speculate about how this new insight might change the way you approach a design task in the future.

SUW- SKO reflection week 5

Please look at the following reference on reflection and use it to inform your week 5 SUW writing that needs to be completed in your SKO diary in your personal assessment folder.

(Aim for 10-20 mins uninterrupted writing – remember this forms part of your SKO assessment and we will be catching up on these next week in the studio)

Ryan, Mary, and Michael Ryan. “Teaching and Assessing Reflection in Higher Education.” Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. 2012. Seminar, Centre for Recording Achievement, QUT Draw Project. – Reflection slide from the presentation – The 4 Rs for Reflective Thinking

Try writing a reflection that works from the 4 headings Reporting, Relating, Reasoning, Reconstructing.

Week 5A studio preparation tasks.

It would be great for groups to respond to the following activities before the first week 5 studio on Wednesday.

1. Presentation debrief – Please add in your comments to this google-doc to get this conversation happening in the studio in advance.

2. Problem statements – Thanks for getting in your return briefs yesterday. We will check the submission of these in the studio on Wednesday. Following up on the clients’ feedback on Friday before we move to starting ‘Brief 3: Concepts’ we need to write up revised problem statements for each of the projects and get these to Lentara for feedback and final clarification. Based on the feedback you got last Friday could each group add their revised problem statement to this shared g-doc under your group no.

3. Collaboration contracts – The other thing we need to establish as we move into the heavy lifting part of the studio (producing concepts and prototypes) is some agreed ways that you as a group will work on projects – the governance of your project team. The governance you put in place will affect the assessment of your group projects. Please refer to the Collaborative contract pro-forma document before the studio and begin planning how you will document meetings and the activities of each group member for potentially reporting issues back to the studio leads.

SKO reflection – week 4

For you weekly SUW (shut-up-and-write) reflection this week take just (10 minutes) out to SUW and write a week 4 reflection in your Brief 1/SKO diaries in your personal assessment folders that were shared to you.

Please make sure you complete these reflections each week in the same google-doc as this forms part of your assessment.

For this week it would be great if everybody could write about the experience of the Transition Design workshop “futuring exercise” – casting your problem out 10 years from now to see what the issues you are exploring might look like.

I certainly found this a challenging but beneficial thing to do in regards to seeing beyond the immediate need to find a solutions or ways to improve the issues at hand.

You and Lentara – Individual presentations

In the week 1 Friday Studio March 3 starting at 9.30 each studio member will be expected to present their background, experience and skills. We will use this to help form groups and finalise the Lentara projects.

The format for this presentation is a follows:

Strict two-minute duration.
1 slide uploaded to the Lentara Google Community before Thursday March 2, Midnight.

The prompts for this presentation are:

What is your program of study?
What are your areas of interest in relation to your discipline?
What things do you really like doing on projects?
What things do you really dislike doing on projects?
How do you best work in a group?
What do you hope to gain from being part of the Lentara Codesign studio?