Joss on anthropocentricism and its varieties. This is a tangled area. For us, these ideas are precursors that are steps toward helping change our point of view toward various things. Prompts and prods. Nora wonders if we are all connected… Continue Reading →
Lydia with notes and her drawing from last Thursday. Taras, who has a dog that became the subject of some questions, has picked up on this and is now recognising that the mutuality of that relationship is rather more complicated… Continue Reading →
The Kuleshov effect: A film image does not mean by what it is in itself but by what relations it is placed within and amongst. Next, if we take out ‘film image’ and substitute it with ‘things’ we get “a… Continue Reading →
Ellie, earrings, a walnut. Isobel’s title is productive, we want to specify, not generalise. Louis has a map of some lines, Jack, every elegantly notes that perhaps there is a sociality between things (indeed, how do we think things might… Continue Reading →
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What Happens When We Don’t Have Edges Anymore?
A network in the way we are going to think about it has no edge. If you think of your own work and practice as such a network, what an end is is always defined from outside that network. A… Continue Reading →