Have updated eBook with your latest work. New, improved. Comes with new photos too. Readings2.epub
Nora wonders (and this is a really nice question), “what is a platform for a mesh media?” Perhaps the answer is all around us, and is what the internet is, deep down? (That it is being dominated by commercial media… Continue Reading →
Jialu on lofi making. This is cool, and is the first step to letting our technical media become a medium in the sense that Ingold discusses (like weather, and in the example we used, your ‘mother’ language). This is not… Continue Reading →
The Ingold I find a fascinating read for two simple reasons. The way he describes the line and the circle and all that falls around and out of that. The line is what film and sound is in technical media…. Continue Reading →
Yolanda wonders, as I think others did, about Ingold’s claim that: Between mind and nature, persons and things, and agency and materiality, no conceptual space remains for those very real phenomena and transformations of the medium that generally go by… Continue Reading →
I’ve made a quick and rough epub of your lists of what you don’t know and descriptions. This will be added to each week. The graphics are just default which will be changed. The file format is .epub which can… Continue Reading →
This is a chapter from Tim Ingold’s Being Alive. Ingold, Tim. “Rethinking the Animate, Reanimating Thought.” Being Alive: Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description. London: Routledge, 2011. pp.67-75. Have a read.
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It’s Only Always About Finding the Lines
Oh, this is elegant and this, in particular “A determination to be the change”. To use a cliché, sometimes you’re the hammer, sometimes the nail. What is it for you to leave here to become mainly hammer? Then there’s “I… Continue Reading →