materialist mangles

Tag essays

Dear Adrian

Dear Adrian: I have a quick question regarding one of the prompts for the essay. “1. where what it means is part of what it is as a thing”
 I am having trouble with this, as isn’t the point of… Continue Reading →

Essays (To Avoid Panic)

Your submitted essays have been moved from the submission folder, so if you go to look for it and it is gone, don’t panic. And if you have not done so, then the submission declaration must be completed.

Essay Folder

In response to a request today inside the shared folder where our media sits there is now a folder called ESSAYS. This is, in an odd turn of events, where you can put your essay. Remember. Name on file. Name… Continue Reading →

Other Practices

Lydia and explagagantive. Great word. Jules and intellicoherensightful, personally I’d get it down to intellicoful, but that’s me. Ben and cohevitic (coherent, convincing, and poetic), Jialu and fleegical, (think it has a great sound to it). Joss wonders about posting… Continue Reading →

A Question Without Notice

A draft introduction to the essay that passed my desk: In the journal ‘Alien Phenomenology,’ Ian Bogost discusses how lists of objects that lack ‘explication’ can draw ‘greater attentiveness’ towards them. Bogost explains how people naturally want to ‘join the… Continue Reading →

Possible Essay Change?

There was a great point made on Tuesday about not being able to use the soundscape for evidence in your essay as it won’t be finished until next Thursday. For discussion this week. What if the soundscape is submitted on… Continue Reading →

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