Genevieve has an update on participation, particular what matters, and blogging as a habit and Jack has found an illustration about double loop learning.
In the order listed in the image: We will discuss chapter two (Ontography) of Bogost on Thursday which should help with this without explanation or account yes reflective, objective, detached, personal has no relation or correlation to ‘professional’, Rebecca Solnit,… Continue Reading →
Yes, stories are time based, time dependent, and time conditional. Then again, all our technical (audiovisual) media are time dependent, the question then becomes whether this means they are inevitably stories, or can time based media do other things than… Continue Reading →
Touché, lovely nod to Katniss Everdeen by Isobel. Guess that makes me Donald Sutherland then?
Joss has notes on Object Orientated Ontology and notes that it puts things at the centre of being. Yeah, it does, but we’re less interested in OOO than in materialism more broadly. But in relation to the brief discussion from… Continue Reading →
Samuel notes that “Bogost proposes that in our current age, two system operations are dominant: ‘scientific naturalism’ and ‘social relativism’”. Scientific naturalism is the idea that there are small things that join together to make bigger things. Sort of like… Continue Reading →
Cameo notes how they have a beginning, middle and end. What happens though if media is circular (for example)?
Might have done this one already, but Joss likes the ability to read each other’s confusions. Nora thinking about the comments she received about her video. Isobel on what she made. Isobel on the Cornell method, it is very useful… Continue Reading →
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Elegant list from Ellie, great photo from Samuel who notes that thinking about it is not the same as doing it. Genevieve has a very lovely graph (that it is done so carefully tells you a lot). Louis’ list is… Continue Reading →