materialist mangles

Category Commentary

Non Narrative Films

Non-narrative films eschew or de-emphasize stories and narratives, instead employing other forms like lists, repetition, or contrasts as their organizational structure. For example, a non-narrative film might create a visual list (of objects found in an old house, for instance),… Continue Reading →

The Point of View of Something Else

Related to some of the things we’ve been reading is what is called ‘critical animal studies’. Work like The Private Life of a Cat is important to this sort of thinking, and a great example of what we’ve been doing…. Continue Reading →


Noticing these, and using them as opportunities for making. This is an everyday video practice that is not just noticing but an aesthetic noticing, and it can change your relationship to what is around you. Really exquisite work Lydia. (And… Continue Reading →


Instead of personal (diary) films they become about your preferred (imagined?) media instrument. A camera, a sound recorder. Similar questions, though the third film would be to imagine it from the point of view of your instrument… Why? Because while… Continue Reading →

Beyoncé’s Edges

Nora wonders (and this is a really nice question), “what is a platform for a mesh media?” Perhaps the answer is all around us, and is what the internet is, deep down? (That it is being dominated by commercial media… Continue Reading →

To Notice, To Make From Noticing

Jialu on lofi making. This is cool, and is the first step to letting our technical media become a medium in the sense that Ingold discusses (like weather, and in the example we used, your ‘mother’ language). This is not… Continue Reading →

Flux, Flux, Nothing but Flux

Lydia on what she doesn’t know about the Frankham reading. It’s a nice list.

The Weather

Yolanda wonders, as I think others did, about Ingold’s claim that: Between mind and nature, persons and things, and agency and materiality, no conceptual space remains for those very real phenomena and transformations of the medium that generally go by… Continue Reading →

Jump First, Look Later?

Jialu has some great points here about habits and how habits can be a way to think about media and medium. And yes, when blogging or reading or going to the gym becomes a habit it becomes something different. In… Continue Reading →


Cameo spent Easter in hospital with a virus (what was the virus’ point of view here do you think?), reading about bats. With three things as questions not understood. Samuel on Frank Ocean, and more specifically Frank Ocean as a… Continue Reading →

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