materialist mangles

Category Assessment Tasks

Brief 4 Q and A

Question: Do the two personal films for Brief 4 need to be linked or related? Answer: No. They can, of course, but don’t have to.

Essay Folder

In response to a request today inside the shared folder where our media sits there is now a folder called ESSAYS. This is, in an odd turn of events, where you can put your essay. Remember. Name on file. Name… Continue Reading →

Group Members

When uploading your work please add it to your group’s folder: Flagstaff Garden – Group 1, Sam, Rachel, Cameron, Michelle Merri Creek – Group 2, Jack, Ellie, Nora Deep in the Garden – Group 3, Ben, Julia, Jialu, Joss A… Continue Reading →

Dates for Sharing Media

Dates for when media is finished and shared is listed, and graphed.

Noticings 01

Description This task is a lo-fi project to think with and introduce a) deep noticing, b) how quickly things become complex, and c) thinking about connections. It requires you to follow a series of steps (and the order matters) to… Continue Reading →

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