Week 6 Update

This week on the documentary action studio consisted of preparation work for our pitch in week 7 as well as a few examples to help us along the way. We were given the task of writing up a synopsis for our project as well as the directors statement, draft proposals, equipment needed etc. We were also shown in class the use of mood boards that can be used in your pitch to show what you aesthetically want to achieve with your end product.

We were also privileged to have Simon Direen come into present his documentary A Life Together which explored the long lasting love between two people living rough. It was interesting to note the effort it took to shoot the project, that it involved a cinematographer as well as a sound recorder and assistant to complete. One thing that was stressed by Simon was the importance of good audio recordings as it’s what matters most when viewing. It seemed that without good audio the audience don’t remain engaged with whats being presented regardless of how good the cinematography is. Another thought Simon stressed was that it’s important to have enough time with the editing stage of the documentary and to try and shoot and record as quickly as possible.

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