Friday classes week 11 presentation times

Here are the group meeting times for my Friday classes. As Jeremy said please arrive at least 5 minutes before your scheduled time. All group members must be in attendance to receive the 5 bonus marks.

8:30 class wk11 meeting time
Group 1 09:15
Luke Zammit
Jordan Dalgleish
Dylan Callard
Lachlan Reeve
LIST 09:30
Lydia Watt
Tarah Miller
Sarah Mizzi
India Grevis-James
Sushi Omelette 09:45
Emma McKillop
Van Trong Nguyen
Linh Nguyen
Group name TBC 09:00
Rhiannon Hampson-Froud
Georgia Farry
Amalie Moeller
Kyra Hatzikosmidis
Kawaii 150 10:00
Claire Rosenburg
Cailey Moroney
Tom Flynn
Jared Roscioli


11:30 class
Women at Work 01:00
Rachael Carroll
Chanise Konstantinidis
Alice Redmond
Sophie-Eugenie Dessertaine-Williams
All 4 One 12:30
Anton Kolman
Mario Vanzin
Sebastian Robledo
Maria Mosos
<insert group name here> 12:00
David Zita
Michaela Mccaw
Alex Hurley
Alex Barrilaro
#CASE 12:15
Caitlin Min Fa
Alyssa Yeo
Shantelle Santos
Elle Warwick
Crewbox 12:45
India Weaver
Sammy B
Women in black 11:45
Ashley Boglis
Chiara Greensill
J’aime Cardillo
Mary Spanos

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