Week 6 Workshop

We’re getting into some hefty theoretical territory now.  Don’t fear, making sense of this stuff is what we’re trying to do.  This week’s reading is challenging, but on the plus side, it’s an exceptionally eloquent examination of what are very complex perspectives.  Hannah’s lecture will help you get your head around it too, and give some insight into it’s relevance.

Bring on the chit-chat.


  1. Technological determinism
  2. Cultural Materialism
  3. Simulacra
  4. Poststructuralism
  5. Global Village

5 groups, one topic each.  Find out a bit more about these terms, and respond to these 3 points:

  • What you think the term means
  • Who are some people (if any) who relate to this (theorists etc)
  • Think of an example that helps demonstrate this

This might take a bit longer than our usual class discussions, but should prove valuable for your next 2 assessment tasks.


Make a top 5 list of resources for your interest, or other interesting sites that you have come across.  See what sort of content they use, analyse their ‘voice’.  The more niche, the better.  Try to prioritise sites that afford a degree of interactivity with their audience, in the form of comments, #tags, @mentions or any other ways.  If you’re feeling really adventurous, try commenting/posting or even contact them directly, to see if you can get a bit of insight into how they started out.

Wrap: Assessment Task 2

I know, I know. You only just handed one in, and now here’s another.  But while the last one is still fresh in your mind, let’s look at what’s required for assessment task 2.

Suggested Blog posts:

  • Usual stuff, particularly what you got out of the class discussion, or any questions you want to follow up on
  • Review each site in your top 5 and what you like about them
  • Would you describe any of the sites in your top 5 (communities)?  What makes them so?

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