According to Gaudenzi, there is four dominant mode of interactivity which is hypertext, participative, experiential and conversational mode (Gaudenzi, 2013). These modes are important in re-creating the reality and experiences in an interactive documentary.
Hypertext mode
The hypertext mode is a closed database with multimedia platforms such as videos and audios which acts as a hyperlink for the user to choose their own narrative. Information and data are stored in these multimedia platforms for the user to explore this pre-existing links.
Participative mode
The participative mode allows user to be involved in the production process of creating an interactive documentary. Users are able to contribute information, ideas and skills such as video footages and editing which will then be stored as a database for the interactive documentary. Users are also able to take part when the website is active such as providing translation and answering questions. Participative mode is like collaboration where the users work together with digital authors to create a more insightful interactive documentary.
Experiential mode
The experiential mode re-creates the location experience and emotions through the interactive documentary website. The user will experience the content of the documentary through the interactive media that brings the user into a digital space that depicts the situation and conflicts of emotion.
Conversational mode
The conversational mode occurs when an interactive documentary takes on a “virtually simulated or reconstructed world” which allows the user to make any movement and the software will have to respond to the user request (McRoberts, 2016). It is a two-way communication where the user’s input is taken into action by the software and the software will have to produce the result. The user takes on a first person role as the user takes on multiple pathways that will create a different perspective from the traditional documentary. The conversational mode and experiential mode are intertwined as both modes touches on senses and experiences while navigating through the interactive documentary.
Gaudenzi, S 2013, The Living Documentary: From representing reality to co-creating reality in digital interactive documentary, doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths Centre for Cultural Studies, London, viewed 7 August 2016, retrieved from:
McRoberts, J 2015, ‘Negotiating Conflict: A Discussion of Interactive Documentary as Constructive Storytelling’, Societies Emerging from Conflict [EBL Reader Version], viewed 8 August 20016, retrieved from: