There are some great tools for doing video screen captures like Shiny White Box which I use – but it is licensed software that costs.
Apple (as Louis points out) allows you do it simply with QuickTime (file > new screen recording).
There are some great tools for doing video screen captures like Shiny White Box which I use – but it is licensed software that costs.
Apple (as Louis points out) allows you do it simply with QuickTime (file > new screen recording).
So far for this gallery project we are working offline. This means you will get in your browser the (file://) address and the work is pointing back to the folder on you hard drive. This means you are viewing the k-film on your hard drive.
You will only get http:// or https prefix (HyperText Transfer Protocol) when the k-film is published online on the web. To get your k-film on the web you use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer it to a web server.
If you get this Korsakow flash error in the browser:
Application.onDomainLoadError: SecurityError: Error #2148
This is the fix from Florian:
Uninstall Flash:
Install the previous version of Flash.
Flash player version that works on Firefox OS X 10.12 –
Archive of Flash Player Versions:
It is best not to over-keyword – start simple with around 3-4 keywords at first and get your k-film working then go from there.
The idea is to build patterns by working in Korsakow rather than trying to plan it on paper. Build, export, view…build, export, view etc.
A good idea is to visualise keywords as links like on webpage – the difference is you are linking videos together rather than pages on a website using text based links. Another difference compared to a link in a webpage is that a video can link to multiple videos – this would be like a webpage link taking you to multiple pages. This means with only a few videos there a number of variations in the way videos can link together.
My advice is to keep reading the technical notes on the Korsakow website. alongside other notes on forming relations between clips in korsakow dropmark collection.
Remember to consistently and regularly reflect on what your learn in your G-doc diary…and keep a track of technical support and other resources. Your diary with so much detail going on becomes a major resource to refer to …so you are not spending duplicated time looking for things.
Technical notes:
a. So far, the firefox browser seems more friendly to playback on the desktop.
Notes on Chrome from Miles IM1 website:
If you want it to work in Chrome you need to remove all spaces in file and folder names (including the media you have exported into the project, so pretty much recommend you begin again), re export, and should be OK, if not check file and folder names.
b. For this exercise (if it makes it easier? but not necessary…) increase the default of one life for each clip to multiple lived. From the manual:
Lives – Controls how many times the SNU can appear during one viewing of the Korsakow film. For no restrictions, select ‘infinite’. Default setting is one life.
c. Make sure you assign the interface you have chosen to prepare your clips for to each clip in the edit window.
d. With keywording – use separate lines: From Adrian Miles’ sculpting notes:
Brief note, the second keyword search is on a line by itself because if you list them like “keywordOne, keywordTwo” on the same line then Korsakow treats this as an ‘or’ search – so it will search for keywordOne or keywordTwo…listing the keywords on individual lines means the first search is performed, if a match is found, it is selected, if a match does not exist then it performs the next search
e. With exports saving and replacing the files – it is a good idea (as in the workflow folder set up) to put in an exports folder away from media assets and your project file ( I think this is tidier).
f. Also when you replace video files follow the notes on Korsakow tips and tricks:
. 7. Overwrite older exports, but don’t overwrite all your video assets every single time – unless the content of previously exported video assets has changed. In other words, changing the interface design or SNU information (eg keywords) or Preview text only affects the index.html file, so in this case there’s no need to re-export all of your video assets.
This relates to converting your .mp4 source files (media assets) in shockwave .flv files – you only need to do it once.
In the studio today we focused on the production workflow for making our first small k-film for Project Brief 2.
We are creating a collective production workflow g-doc for this project (which has been shared) –
The thing to focus on before next week:
1. Getting your rushes video for logging from Jack.
1. Logging your part of the Carrying Home rushes – add your notes to the collective logging g-doc
2. Preparing your media assets for a k-film workshop next week – this is 10 video clips and 10 preview jpgs.
3. Completing the case study.