Tag Archives: sources

Project Brief 1 – sources

The details for Project Brief 1 – by Tuesday 26 July 11.30am studio in week 2, produce as a group in a shared single google doc, research that responds to one of themes and accompanying questions below. In this document provide your sources (with links where appropriate) and a written response to the questions – 1000-1500 words. You will be asked (as a group) to talk to this summary and references in the form of a 10-minute present in the Tuesday studio and then be prepared for questions, and discussion from the studio.

Here are the areas I have asked each group to research. (refer to the shared google doc for your group team and theme):

Interactive documentary…What is it…?

Interactive documentary tools…What are they…? What do they do…?

Multilinear narrative/non-narrative…What does multilinear mean in this context? How does it apply to k-films made in Korsakow?

Documentary design…Why has documentary practice been integrated with design practices (methods/methodologies)?

Interactive documentary practices...What institutions are supporting the production of Interactive Documentary? Where do you find and view interactive documentary works online? How have these works been categorised in terms of varying types of practices or forms of interactive documentary?

Here is some sources to get things started under each theme. Many of these sources are accessible via the readings page on this blog or via RMIT Google Scholar or using a web search.

Interactive Documentary

http://comeindoc.com/educational/startoff/ – view in playlist interactive documentary definition


Aston, Judith, and Sandra Gaudenzi. “Interactive Documentary: Setting the Field.” Studies in Documentary Film 6.2 (2012): 125–139.

Nash, Kate. “Modes of Interactivity: Analysing a Webdoc.” Media, Culture and Society 34 (2012): 195–210. Print.


Interactive Documentary tools

Soar, Matt. “Making (with) the Korsakow System: Database Documentaries as Articulation and Assemblage.” New Documentary Ecologies Emerging Platforms, Practices and Discourses. Ed. Kate Nash, Craig Hight, and Catherine Summerhayes. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 154–73. Print.

tools – i-doc weblog

Multilinear narrative/non-narrative


Non-narrative – Bordwell, David, and Kristin Thompson. Film Art : An Introduction. 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print.

Bassett, Caroline. “Anti-Narrative: Games, Blogs & Other Non-Linear Forms.” Critical Workshops. United Kingdom: Sussex University, 2005. Print.

Luers, Will. “Plotting the Database.” Database | Narrative | Archive: Seven Interactive Essays on Digital Nonlinear Storytelling. Ed. Matt Soar and Monika Gagnon. N. p., 2013. Web.

Adrian Miles, What is it for if not story? conference presentation https://www.academia.edu/15099940/What_is_it_for_if_not_story

Documentary Design

O’Flynn, Siobhan. “Documentary’s Metamorphic Form: Webdoc, Interactive, Transmedia, Participatory and Beyond.” Studies in Documentary Film 6.2 (2012): 141–157. Print.

Dovey, Jonathan, and Mandy Rose. “We’re Happy and We Know It : Documentary: Data: Montage,” July 16, 2012.

Keen, Seth. “Netvideo Nonvideo Newvideo Designing a Multilinear Nonnarrative Form for Interactive Documentary.” Doctorate. RMIT University Print.

Interactive documentary practices






