Readings & Resources
Week 1
Pre-Class Ruminations:
McKee, Robert. (1997). ‘The Substance of Story.’ In Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting. New York, USA: HarperCollins, pp. 135-154. (in Resources folder on Blackboard)
Stanton, Andrew (2012). ‘The clues to a great story.’ [language warning]
Phillips, Andrea. (2012). ‘What is transmedia, anyway?’ In A creator’s guide to transmedia storytelling. New York, USA: McGraw-Hill, pp. 13-20. (in Resources folder on Blackboard)
WNYC, NPR. RadioLab, Season 4, Episode 3: The War of the Worlds [podcast].
In-Class Wanderings:
Welles, Orson. (October 30, 1938). The War of the Worlds [radio broadcast].
Whale, James (director). (1930). Frankenstein [film]. – opening 20 mins.
Week 2
Pre-Class Perspectives:
Manovich, Lev. (2001). ‘The database.’ In The language of new media. Cambridge, USA: The MIT Press, pp. 218-243. (in Resources folder on Blackboard)
Giovagnoli, Max. (2011). ‘Chapter 2: Plan Transmedia.’ In Transmedia Storytelling: Imagery, shapes and techniques, pp. 34-54. Halifax, Canada: ETC Press. (in Resources folder on Blackboard)
Navas, Eduardo. (August 13, 2010). ‘Regressive and reflexive mashups in sampling culture, 2010 Revision.’ Remix Theory,
In-Class Excursions:
Why So Serious? Advertising campaign for The Dark Knight (2008). (Google and go!)
Ferguson, Kirby. Everything is a Remix (web series),
Fosselius, Ernie. (1978). Hardware Wars [short film]. Pyramid Films.
Wieber, Ryan, & Scott, Michael. (2007). Ryan vs Dorkman 2 [short film]. Blinding Light Productions.
Week 3
Pre-Class Perambulations:
Jenkins, Henry. (2006). ‘Searching for the origami unicorn.’ In Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York, USA: New York University Press. (in Resources folder on Blackboard)
Eco, Umberto. (1985). “Casablanca”: Cult Movies and Intertextual Collage. SubStance, 14(2), pp. 3-12. (login required)
Murray, Janet H. (1997). ‘Chapter 5: Agency.’ In Hamlet on the Holodeck. Cambridge, USA: The MIT Press. (in Resources folder on Blackboard)
In-Class Enquiries:
Watanabe, Shinichiro. (2003). The Animatrix: Detective Story [short film].
Maeda, Mahiro. (2003).The Animatrix: The Second Renaissance, Parts I + II [short films].
Week 4
Pre-Class Prospecting:
Whitehouse, Kendall. (2012, May 7). ‘Media marketing and the evolution of narrative structure.’ On technology and media. Available online.
Waxman, Sharon. (2007, June 18). ‘Marvel wants to flex its own heroic muscles as a moviemaker.’ New York Times. Available via Library e-Reserve (login required).
Andersen, Michael. (2011, March 30). ‘Cautionary tales in transmedia storytelling.’ Wired. Available via Library e-Reserve (login required).
In-Class Investigations:
Introduction to Peggy Carter in Johnston, Joe (Director), (2011). Captain America: The First Avenger. [15 mins]
D’Esposito, Louis. (Director), (2013). ‘Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter’ [short film]. [15 mins]
D’Esposito, Louis. (Director), (2015). Agent Carter, Episode 1: ‘Now is Not The End’. [42 mins]
Week 5
Pre-Class Portholes:
Day, Felicia. (2009, May 14). ‘Web Series: Four things to ask yourself before starting.’
Starting from… Now! Press materials.
In-Class In-Roads:
Kalceff, Julie. (2014). Starting from… Now! [web series]. Episodes 1 + 2. [language/thematic warning]
Week 6
Urban Codemakers. Archive.
Innocent, T. (2013). Code switching in mixed realities. In Cleland, K., Fisher, L., & Harley, R. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium of Electronic Art, ISEA2013, Sydney. (in Resources folder on Blackboard)
noemaflux Video.
Week 9
Gambarato, Renira R. (2012). Signs, Systems and Complexity of Transmedia Storytelling. Estudos em Comunicao, 12, pp. 69-83. (in Resources folder on Blackboard)
Screening: TBC, possibly Tykwer’s Run Lola Run.
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