The Story Lab 2015

What is story _now_?

Category: News & Notices


This is an archived blog. The Story Lab was an undergraduate course that ran at RMIT University in Semester 1, 2015, and will return in 2016.

Troy Innocent exhibition

Screenshot 2015-05-12 22.40.06

Troy Innocent, and colleague Michaela Gleave, are opening their new exhibitions at the Anna Pappas Gallery in Prahran on Friday night. I’m totally bummed I can’t go to the opening night, but am hoping that a few of you might be able to tag along on behalf of the Story Lab! I’ll be heading to the exhibition once I’m back from interstate, for sure.

Full details here.

Boring bits from today’s workshop

 Today’s Class Tasks

  • Blog post audit – how many done? Start catching up if necessary.
  • If up to date, make your way through the Gambarato reading. Make notes, discuss, blog your understanding of what Gambarato’s point is, what his understanding of transmedia storytelling is. How does this relate to what we’ve discussed thus far? Can you think of some ways in which your own projects might work within Gambarato’s understanding of TM storytelling? (1 hour, then discussion in final 30 mins of class)
  • Are any projects releasing stuff yet? Is there anything anyone would like to show? (if this is you, send links to Dan!)
  • Continue project work, only if all done, and up to date.


11 June, 10am-5pm

Once again, this is a compulsory day. If you cannot make it for any reason you must let me know in writing immediately. Note that even such notice will be a ‘request’, like a leave request at work, and may be denied, as I’ll have to discuss this with the Program Manager. Supporting documentation will help. We’ll then need to discuss your contributions outside the day itself.

Couple of things to think about:

  • Each studio is given 20 minutes to present to the full Media cohort: What this presentation entails is entirely up to you guys, but it should give some sense of your journey through the Story Lab, what was covered, what was learned, what kind of projects you’re doing, and so on
  • Further, each studio will be given half a cross-discipline room to exhibit their projects. Again, how this is done is largely up to you, but I’ll be slightly more involved with this, in terms of technical stuff and layout… the plan at this stage is to bump in Weds afternoon 10/6, and bump out after the exhibition day concludes 11/6
  • Studio leaders will be pitching their studios for Semester 2 — the ballot will also be open for 4-5 days from 11-15 June, where Media 3 folks can select your three preferences for Media 4

This is all just a heads-up, keep working on projects for now, but I’ve set aside Week 11 for a big chat about all this, to get all the planning out of the road, so you guys can focus on your projects as much as possible outside of class.

Project Updates

In Week 11, I’d like to hear from each group on progress since the pitch. Have a chat within your groups about getting something together to show the class, take down some notes on what’s been achieved, what has yet to be done, what directions the project has taken, etc etc

Week 9 Reading

The Gambarato reading for Week 9 is now available via Blackboard, as listed on the Readings & Resources page – get on it!

Week 4: Seminar Class

Research Response Queries

  • formal essay-style response
  • not just class readings
  • word count 2000 +/- 10%
  • citations/refs
  • text only
  • be ready to present in Week 5
  • double check submission req’s – late penalties will apply
  • email questions before 5pm Friday – ideally earlier

Projects & Teams

  • finish your brief proposal – individually or group
  • remember to keep this proposal simple: 50-100 word story summary, list of characters, any ideas for platform, genre notes
  • upload this proposal to your blog
  • assign roles in your group
  • work the idea as a group

Collaboration Contracts

  • table names and roles (must be on paper)
  • discuss expectations for collaboration
  • draft five rules – reword, add, edit
  • names – final five rules – signatures
  • upload five rules to blog
  • hand to Dan

Case Study Feedback

Feedback for the Case Study Project Brief should have been emailed to you today. If for any reason you’ve not received it, please get in touch as soon as you can.

Likewise, if anything about the feedback is unclear, let me know and I’ll try to explain in greater detail.

Week 3: Producing for transmedia (plus, one down, three to go!)

Congrats to all of you on getting the first assessment out of the way. I’m looking forward to working through these over the next week and getting some feedback to you well and truly before the second Project Brief is due.

Speaking of Project Brief 2, the Research Prompts and complete instructions are now available here on the blog and on Blackboard. Please ensure that you read this at some point while constructing your Research Report (at least the prompts!). Remember: this is an essay-style response, so formal, academic language is required, as is full referencing and a references list. If you’re unclear about essay writing (or any other assessment styles), the library has a fantastic online resource called the Learning Lab. Similarly, if you’re worried about referencing, the library’s got your back there too.

This week, now that we’ve accepted that there is no such thing as originality, we’ll be looking at the process of adaptation, as well as best practice for producing transmedia projects. This will include a (tiny) bit of OH&S stuff (remember, all final projects must include a Risk Assessment).

We’ll be watching some short films this week, that were commissioned by Matrix creators the Wachowskis. In your readings, you’ll find Henry Jenkins, the guru of transmedia storytelling and convergent media. You’ll also find one of my favourite articles, by Umberto Eco (yes, that Umberto Eco), where he talks about the glorious film Casablanca as a cult object. The final reading is by Janet Murray on ‘agency’ in hypertext and videogames. A lot to get through, but I want you to think about all of this – transmedia, cult objects, agency – while we’re watching The Animatrix in class.

Happy reading, and see you Wednesday!

Week 1 Updates

I hope everyone got something out of our first session, even it was just learning a few names!

A couple of quick notices:

  • Thanks for pointing out the incorrect due date for Project Brief 2 (Research Report).
  • There has been a slight change to the submission procedure for Project Brief 1 (Case Study). Upload your 500 word Case Study (copy and paste from a word processor to get the word count right!) into your student blog, and be sure to apply the category “The Story Lab.” Grab the URL (web address) of that post, and submit it via Blackboard for Project Brief 1. That way you’re submitting your work and I can get all your blog addresses all at once!

These notes have been amended in the Studio Guide, which has been re-uploaded to Blackboard, and we’ll clarify all this in class.

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