Just some rambling nonsense

-A belated post

As we sat down in front of the state library a blimp advertising ‘Appliances online’ rolled across the sky, a Tibetan protest against something unknown began their foreign chant and numerous brand-wearing uni attendees sipped out of their cardboard and plastic trademarked cups. In a small window of space and time media had interacted and communicated with us without any effort from our ‘noticing’ skills.
I didn’t take any photos or recordings, but I did make a list;

  • the library displayed exhibition advertisements
  • a woman lay on the grass reading the controversial and infamous ’50 Shades of Grey’
  • food wrappings littered the ground
  • the trams that rolled past plastered with large sticker advertisements
  • people’s clothing, bags, shoes, shopping bags, phones, hats; all branded
  • an almost primitive Telstra phone box (how often are these in use?)
  • the sounds of the protesting contained a message (although unknown to me)
  • every second person had a phone glued to their hand; iPhones, Samsungs, etc.
  • my hand, holding a ‘Cross’ pen and adorned with a ‘Pandora’ ring
§8 · March 12, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

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