Just some rambling nonsense

Today my group (Sandy, Tim) and I filmed our news report style artefact for Project Brief 4. We had booked 3 cameras and 3 tripods to create a more professional look, editing the different angles to make the show run smoothly as though in one take. This technique of different angles had a few issues; […]


§86 · May 25, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

Institutions – terms from sociology – concern with organizing structures of society – social, cultural, political, economic relations – principles, values, rules that underlie these e.g. ‘marriage’ is an institution: why?? Historical continuities industry Expectations –> values (monogamy) Rituals, symbolic Legal framework/regulatory Reproduces social relations/expectations Meta-institutional frame Romantic love- cultural narratives Widely accepted/practice Cultural ‘rules’ […]


§84 · May 12, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

Today we did another little group activity involving a big piece of paper and lots coloured pens (still my favourite kind). The discussion was about the characteristics of Facebook , what makes it a business, how it communicates, the role of it in society and lots of much better worded questions that i cannot remember […]


§82 · May 12, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·



§79 · April 23, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) · Tags:

In last weeks tutorial we were given a loaned audio recorder, the Zoom H2/N recorder, and were sent off in pairs with a sheet of paper and a mission to awkwardly record sounds in public. My pairing and I had some good ideas; we captured a strangers phone call, birds in a tree, a lot […]


§76 · April 23, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

I think this project brief was quite different to the one I did for my self-portrait. I used a documentary style, ‘day-in-the-life-of’ technique to create a visualization of what it is like for the person. The documentary style I chose to portray meant I did not want to use a tripod with my filming and […]


§73 · April 23, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) · Tags:

Consciously listening to one particular sound (including music, speech and sounds) is something usually done in two instances. In public nowadays you see numerous people walking around with headphones plugged into their ears, and 3 out of 5 people sitting on the train will be listening to something on their devices (80% chance this information […]


§71 · April 17, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

When asked to recall past group projects and how they had worked and not worked and whatever else, the first thing that came to mind was a renewable energy project I did in primary school where we created some kind of hydroelectricity. One person in the group, however, decided that bringing some Barbies as the […]


§68 · April 15, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·


§64 · March 30, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) · Tags:

The pieces of media I chose to incorporate into my self-portrait were selected from a diverse range of filming I had taken over the past couple of weeks. These pieces of film were taken as an after thought when I was doing something or walking somewhere, or just ‘noticing’; so as to portray myself through […]


§61 · March 30, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) · Tags:

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