My engagement throughout the course came mostly from independent learning. Although I did not write any blog posts about any of the readings, I still read them. The readings were very broad and sometimes I found it hard to connect the meaning of them with media, but I found it very helpful when the readings […]
We encountered many challenges during the ideas process of our artifact. We had trouble in creating a concise angle to focus on, and changed our focal point almost each tutorial in which we discussed how we would portray our theme. Our main problem was that we strayed from our given theme of ‘technologies’ and focused […]
I’ve learnt about a lot of the building blocks of media; what it’s made of, how it is defined and how it can be used. I’ve discovered the word ‘media’ is even broader than I thought, as it reaches such a wide range of people and institutions through different ways. The most important thing I’ve […]
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Over the past weeks I have been considering what I want to get from this course, how I think it will help me in the future etc. and through this I have discovered that Media and Communication is not the course for me. I am still not 100% certain, but I am maybe 75% sure […]
In an attempt to increase the amount of blog posts on my very empty looking blog I’m going to be posting a lot of upcoming posts that, upon first sight, seem quite unrelated to media. But look a little deeper and I’m sure you’ll be able to find some morsel of media in anything. As the time […]
The below is the learning graph we had to create in our last tutorial (Thursday). Being handed a blank graph gave me vivid flashbacks to high school maths accompanied by feelings of dread. I truly believed myself when I’d left high school promising myself I would never use maths again. Luckily, this learning graph was […]
Media materialism, dust and the anthropocene Technology: things, processes, skills. Anything effective, traditional (walk, eat, swim; taught, social expectations, upbringing, environment) Technique: technological determinism vs. social constructivism- we made it, we control it (guns don’t kill people, people kill people) Culture: 1. Identifying subgroups within population, 2. the world as culture, humankind, 3. art, theatre, […]