Media materialism, dust and the anthropocene
- Technology: things, processes, skills. Anything effective, traditional (walk, eat, swim; taught, social expectations, upbringing, environment)
- Technique: technological determinism vs. social constructivism- we made it, we control it (guns don’t kill people, people kill people)
- Culture: 1. Identifying subgroups within population, 2. the world as culture, humankind, 3. art, theatre, cinema: creative expression. “culture is multiple.. messy confused…unpredictable”, “culture is everything we d not have to do…have to eat, but do not have to have cuisine. Have to cover against weather, do not have to wear levis”. Culture is something we do, but also something we are.
- Obsession with/struggle for resources: The Walking Dead (TV show), The Road (book + film), Mad Max (film), The Last of Us (game).
Blog O’clock
- Technological determinism is a valid way of looking at the world
- Humanity is in charge of its own future
- Innovation and progress is hindered by scientific regulation
- Machines are becoming too intuitive/intelligent
- Dust has negligible matter, but it has great power
I did write under one of these topics but it turned into a mushy ramble stew that I don’t wish to share.