Just some rambling nonsense

Today my group (Sandy, Tim) and I filmed our news report style artefact for Project Brief 4. We had booked 3 cameras and 3 tripods to create a more professional look, editing the different angles to make the show run smoothly as though in one take. This technique of different angles had a few issues; fire extinguisher in view of one shot, blurring when the camera is too close to the subject, etc. However, with three people it was easy to figure out solutions.

The space we chose was good (lighting, props) except it was not a private space and people were regularly walking past (out of shot). They did not come into view of the shot, and hopefully the sound interruptions will not be heard, or another piece of film can be used.

We did all of our filming today and plan on editing and working on the dossier in the next two weeks.

§86 · May 25, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

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