The below is the learning graph we had to create in our last tutorial (Thursday). Being handed a blank graph gave me vivid flashbacks to high school maths accompanied by feelings of dread. I truly believed myself when I’d left high school promising myself I would never use maths again. Luckily, this learning graph was […]
Media materialism, dust and the anthropocene Technology: things, processes, skills. Anything effective, traditional (walk, eat, swim; taught, social expectations, upbringing, environment) Technique: technological determinism vs. social constructivism- we made it, we control it (guns don’t kill people, people kill people) Culture: 1. Identifying subgroups within population, 2. the world as culture, humankind, 3. art, theatre, […]
¶ Filming
Today my group (Sandy, Tim) and I filmed our news report style artefact for Project Brief 4. We had booked 3 cameras and 3 tripods to create a more professional look, editing the different angles to make the show run smoothly as though in one take. This technique of different angles had a few issues; […]
Institutions – terms from sociology – concern with organizing structures of society – social, cultural, political, economic relations – principles, values, rules that underlie these e.g. ‘marriage’ is an institution: why?? Historical continuities industry Expectations –> values (monogamy) Rituals, symbolic Legal framework/regulatory Reproduces social relations/expectations Meta-institutional frame Romantic love- cultural narratives Widely accepted/practice Cultural ‘rules’ […]
Today we did another little group activity involving a big piece of paper and lots coloured pens (still my favourite kind). The discussion was about the characteristics of Facebook , what makes it a business, how it communicates, the role of it in society and lots of much better worded questions that i cannot remember […]