Consciously listening to one particular sound (including music, speech and sounds) is something usually done in two instances. In public nowadays you see numerous people walking around with headphones plugged into their ears, and 3 out of 5 people sitting on the train will be listening to something on their devices (80% chance this information is inaccurate). These people are actively choosing to block out the outside noises of people talking, cars driving past, the train as it thuds along the tracks; noises in general which most people will not pay specific attention to, and would prefer to listen to something of their choice; music, audio books, radio etc..
But when you actively listen to these sounds that our ears are subjected to everyday, it can be overwhelming. Right now, in my room, I can hear the cars driving past outside, my room mate’s TV show, the train boom gate’s warning sound, a bird outside my window, the keyboard as I type. It seems like too much noise to be able to concentrate in, too many types of sound to process and reject as my brain decides what to write. However, I m choosing to inactively listen to these sounds while I type, and to not concentrate on them and instead concentrate on my blog post.