Just some rambling nonsense

Whenever I catch the train, the one going the opposite way contains carriage upon carriage of empty seats. The train I get on, whichever carriage, is always full of people in transit to the city. Just one time I wish to catch an empty carriage.


§13 · March 12, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

-another belated post (there will be a lot of these) In the first lecture we were told to list 10 things we wanted to learn. Number one on my list; to be more self reflective. If I could condense my list into a short sentence, I would. But that isn’t really the point of the exercise. […]


§16 · March 12, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

-A belated post As we sat down in front of the state library a blimp advertising ‘Appliances online’ rolled across the sky, a Tibetan protest against something unknown began their foreign chant and numerous brand-wearing uni attendees sipped out of their cardboard and plastic trademarked cups. In a small window of space and time media had […]


§8 · March 12, 2015 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

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