Tagged: Drawings illustration online persona wasted illustrations

Consistently Inconsistent

My twenties have been chaotic and disorganized and unexpected – like a lot of people. Sometimes I feel like all I’m doing is fighting through one uncertainty after another; one thing after another. I feel like I’m constantly running a race, or maybe swimming and trying to keep my head above water. I feel like I’m taking steps forward and having to take those same steps backwards. Every day, I feel like I’m fighting. Coming from a course that does everything from Advertising, Photography, Video Making, Graphic Design, Communications and most of all Illustration and now to professional communications where I’m doing public relations and now journalism… I feel like a mess.

Growing up, I’ve always loved drawing, it keeps my mind off things, and now drawing has become part of my career, I haven’t been paying much attention to it. I have filed an album on my facebook that’s titled : Wasted illustrations (no pun intended) but, yeah, those are illustrations that I have done that doesn’t serve any purpose. I’ve always envied designer friends who always found the motivation to continue what they really love doing, for me, procrastination got the better of me. (Picture below is the perfect epitome of what happens to me all the time)

tumblr_mv6adaQBcw1qjjehuo2_500I’m a fan of make believe! So today, I’ve decided to come up with an interview with myself to get to know myself better as an illustrator. Maybe one day, I’ll get somewhere and someone would actually want to interview me.

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How did you first get into illustration?
I’ve always wanted to be just like my brother, he’s a really talented painter and artist. When I was young, my mom would take him to art classes and I’ve always wondered why my mom didn’t let me take up art classes. I got jealous and wanted to prove to my brother that I could be better than him. I started from doodling and I never stopped from there. Got myself into a design course and improved from there!

How would you best describe your style of illustration?
Sketchy, random, sarcastic, melodramatic, to be honest, I can’t draw realistic legs for nuts.

Please take us through your design process, where do you start?
I don’t exactly have a design process, but I get my inspiration from everywhere. I like taking walks and observing people. Lots of ideas show up, usually I’ll go for the first one, but I’ll like to make sure I have others to back me up in case it fails. Most of the time it doesn’t 🙂

What tools do you use for your work?
Pen, sketchbook, brown paper, recycled papers, pencils, my bamboo pad.

When illustrating, do you sometimes get blocked for ideas? If so, how do you overcome that?
Yes, I do most of the time. I search through the net. Sometimes, I’ll leave everything for awhile and head out for a beer. Usually alcohol and a night of partying does the trick.

What would be your ultimate goal as an illustrator?
I want to be recognised. I want my work to inspire and resonate with people. Hopefully, I can sell my illustrations will be good enough to be able to be sold or exhibited.

What style of music do you listen to when you work?
John Mayer puts me into a really mellow mood where I’m calm and composed to draw, most of the time, it’s Tegan and Sara that gets me on the go.

What websites would you recommend doing?
Check out my friend Kristal Melson.

Any advice for aspiring illustrators? (Note to self)
Be yourself. Stop whining. Start drawing. Nobody said it would be easy. Never stop learning and improving. Be passionate. Be persistent. Go out on the streets and create your own style and be authentic.