Symposium 1
Today’s symposium with the class discusses about Argyris’s concept of double loop learning and single loop learning.
Double loop learning: Often, we start by governing variables themselves to subject them to critical scrutinity, an alteration in governing variables, a shift in the way in which strategies and consquences are framed. (A modification of processes and objectives) In other words, reviewing the underlying assumptions before coming to a decision/conclusion.
Single Loop Learning: Error is detected and corrected immediately, it permits the organization to carry on its present objective. With this strategy, people tend to think about the implications/consequences first rather than focus on the action strategy.
What I can take away from today’s symposium is that both Argyris and Schons argue that people make mental maps on how to act on different situations ( the way they plan, implement and review) Taking into account of Single Loop Learning and Double Loop learning, to me, the latter is better. Not only will we evaluate our own goals and beliefs, but it broadens up our social circle and whom we interact with. With more constructive feedback and opinions, we are able to modify and adapt some of these variable to create an attitude that is open to many application methods to which we can espouse.