‘If I were just curious, it would be very hard to say to someone, “I want to come to your house and have you talk to me and tell me the story of your life.” I mean people are going to say, “You’re crazy.” Plus they’re going to keep mighty guarded. But the camera is a kind of license. A lot of people, they want to be paid that much attention and that’s a reasonable kind of attention to be paid.’

                                                                                                                                             ____Diane Arbus

In this week class we have started by reading and discuss the quote that you agree with, there are few quotes that I agree with. Photography is the tool that allows people all come together no matter what language they speak; what culture background they are from or what religious they have. Photography is the only ‘language’ that can understand by the whole world, it’s like a passport that brings people closer.

Developing to project brief 2:

Another inspired photographer is a Japan based photographer called Nguan, he was born in Singapore and he was first known because he has captured the dreamy stillness of Singapore’s cityscapes. Most of his photographs were in the same color tone, pink and orange to create the sense of fantasy or dreamlike. He never really uses any ‘real models’ in his works, instead, his work is more like street photography where he captures people without having them notice or look to the camera, in this ways the objects in Nguan’s lens are more nature and relaxing.


Here are the test shootings taken on mobile phones, I was aiming to play around with the fantasy colors. I have noticed lots of Nguan’s work are architecture or landscape, you can hardly see any close-ups of people or any objects. In consideration to the unfamiliarity in manipulating photography structure, so I think I will use an object (model) as the focal point. The main elements that I really want to imitate it’s the use of colors, the color is changing the mood of the photograph and so does the viewers. Since there isn’t much pink, orange building which is suitable to shoot, so I can only achieve the fantasy feelings by editing or post-production.

This is the experimenting photos that I took to manipulate the colors on ‘Lightroom’:

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