Week 11 – Class Discussion & Consultation reflection

Wednesday Class:

In today’s class, we were introduced to Korsakow, it was a software that allows us to put multiple clips into one, this will in order us to find similarities in between and discover the connections between yours and the others. I have never considered using it for my project so I didn’t expect too much before we learn how to operate it, but once I combined them and played them in the same frame, the similarities in between each other become very obvious. Combining with Hannah’s feedback from Thursday consultation, since I am using different colours and locations in each clip so I need to show constancy amongst each of them. So in my case, I think this is a tool that good for comparing, find similarities; differences and refining.

Came with questions:

  1. I was planned to film and edit two version for each colours(first is the designer’s initial intention when designing the location; second is something opposite to the colour and the place). Is this necessary?
  2. I will do 4 to 5 colours which means if I am editing two version, I will end up to submit at least eight video clips in total. Will this be too much that distract viewers from focusing on each one of them?

Consultation Summary:

  • Hannah, Emma, and Vikki all suggested that each one of them is significant themselves so don’t put them in as one clip if I combine them together, the features maybe soften.
  • Two version is not necessary. First, it is too much to have ten videos to submit at the end, and second, the pink version I showed during the consultation, they think has already delivered what I am aiming for this project.
  • There is a constancy needed in each video, such as the same character used in each video clip, because they are filmed in different places, constancy; similarities will link them together as a series.
  • make sure each clip is no longer than 20 seconds, first is not to let the viewers get bored and second is to keep the constancy.
  • Question solved 🙂


– Constancy – 

Instagram tag

Hand gestures, movements

body movements

same character

same length for every clip

– colours – 

Pink = bored

Green = Disgust

Yellow = scared

Purple = joyful; satisfied

Fifth colour? To be decided



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