Task three – Refining post

Throughout the progression of this task, I would give 8 out of 10 for the satisfaction of what I have done for this task. Exploring upon how do colours affect the way audience view a piece of media and how do colours create emotion to a media piece. So far, I am satisfied with my results because I have learned and discovered from these experiments. Firstly, colours can definitely differ how the audience will a piece of media, even though I didn’t prove this until the last experiment but I believed that the first two experiments have demonstrated to me the use of colours will create a different effect to what we see with naked eyes. Secondly, the same colour but darker or softer will create a huge difference, such as dark green looks creepy but light and softer green colour give a sense of energy and youth.  Like what we have discussed in class, there are patterns in my media, but I didn’t make patterns to notice new things, instead, once I decided to focus on colours and emotions I have tuned myself to discover all those colours around me and why do they exist in these certain places. Colour is a strong and flexible element to use in all different area, which is definitely worth to discover further.

Once again, the consultation we had was very helpful especially its a discussion in a small group, I was a bit unsure about what to explore further just before the consultation, the discussion in a group has given me a lot of good feedback and suggestion which led me to complete experimental three. Hannah and other members in the group have affirmed my progression moving from the first to the second experiment, and this has become a huge motivation for me to continue to explore further into a larger project which is project four. Until I have completed three experiments and preparing for my pitch, I didn’t have a clear direction on where I want to go further for the last project, so I went back to the initial point to remind myself what has prompted me to focus on this theme. The cold tone has softened the shouting; running; sweating on the sports court, all I can felt as an audience was the cold weather. And yes, this is where I want to go further! Each colour has an innate interpretation which contains a message that allows the viewer to understand in a certain way, for example, pink is a reflection of girls, then people will remember that ‘Hello Kitty’ must be something for girls. Going back to look at last assignment’s work reminded me a lot recently, why and how did colours have all this different meaning and interpretation?  I will explore from this point, I wish I can discover how might colours create an opposite meaning or emotion to the subject’s actual looks. e.g. A crowded market, can the use of blue cellophane paper or a cold-tone filter bring down the noise and hotness just by looking at the video/photographs?

In conclusion, other than things I have learnt on media making, by going through the struggling and challenges in this task I found one thing very important to remember is: when you are stuck in the middle of something or feeling lost, go back to your initial point and ask why did you start to do it, this might give you the answer of where you should go or at least this will give you motivation.



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