I believe my Project Brief 3 will be quite different to rest of the class, I noticed this from casting, I would rather choose someone I never know than someone I know very well. In my perspective, I think someone I don’t know will have a lot to discover though chatting and interview, someone I know is very hard list questions for interview.
When I was planning and preparing for this shooting, I can feel how the theories we have mentioned and learnt from lectorial or workshop was applied to use in the practce. For example, we have briefly discussed about editing of film. The editor should place themselves as an audience, so the cutting and pasting will really be done from the audiences’ perspective. Lighting is a brilliant tool to help the filmmaker in order to indicate his intention.
I have chosen a dancer who teaches Poppin in a dance studio, I have been to the studio for three years, usually I will notice when someone joined in. However, I have never looked at him and he never talks to anybody else, we were in different space even we are in the same room. The reason I said my PB3 will be different is because, our pb3 must be interview based with the character actually talking while the recording, it can be either audio or video. Initially, I did not want to have him talking neither audio or video, because I believe this is more presenting who he is. After I discussed with Rachel, if I don’t let him speak in the video I will not meet the criteria, so I have changed to another way to present my intention. Instead of having him talking towards the camera, he will talk in Chinese like a narrator for himself and subtitle will be typed while the video going.
My intention is to represent the depression/dark side of Jim was caused by his pass and dance appeared like a mentor of him which led him to the light. Jim sees dance as an important teacher or friend which appeared timely. The video started by representing the darkness of Jim, how depress he was when he was so lost so he had to choose to hide himself under the dark. In the middle part, which is to represent his turning point – dance. I have considered a lot in what way should I present this. Last part which is showing his situation and mental condition now and Jim has described himself in colour white, which is totally different to the first part. The last shot was suggested by Jim, he told me that when he think back to the pass he is not afraid anymore so he can tell me how he experienced the darkness.
As this project is an introduction of a person, so I found myself difficult to not add my personal thinking to the video. It is the filmmaker’s responsibility to represent my character’s life brief to the audience, how I understood pb3 was a short summary of my character’s life experience.