Before we start recording, I have watched other groups’ operation to have an overall impression of the process. Different roles have different requirement and skills to operate. For example, cameras need to solve the problem of white-balance. For this one, the color of skin is the most significant part. Besides, The audio needs to make sure the voice of different actors sounds at the same level. In addition, the level of recording needs to be adjusted to a middle voice. Otherwise, the sound may exceed when the character yell. It is worth to mention that the way Live show record is different from the film. We don’t have to hold the audio all the time when we do the shooting. All we are supposed to do is put the microphone on characters and adjust the volume in the control room. As an audience of the Live show, I found it is hard to predicate the audible responses. ( Giotta, p332) Different audiences laughed at different points or time. Thus, it is hard to control and Live show take risks when they filming. At the same time, there is a connection between audiences, they share the same space and the same time. (Bourdon, p534)
Actually, the most significant part of the Live show may is the collaboration and communication. The control room and operators are separate. The operators are responsible for their own job on their hand. Differently, the control room, such as director, is answered to the whole process of the Live show. DA and floor manager are the bridge of communication. Thus, a hard and complex job can be divided into some easy pieces.
Difference between multi-camera and single-camera-
Multi-camera sitcom such as Big Bang Theory, use several cameras to shot live in front of a studio audience at the same time such as play. Besides, it shares the space and time with the audience and expects audience’s reaction. Because it shot the Live at the same time, thus the story is more complete and it provides higher-quality video view experience to the audience. However, it is noteworthy that filming by using multi-camera is required high cooperation and avoiding goof.
Modern Family is a famous sitcom can represent single-camera sitcom.( SCREENCRAFT 2016) It is kind of the most basic way to produce video, especially capturing the single speaker at a stage or there is little movement. Besides, the camera can move around to different locals and different set just like a movie. Thus, shooting by using single-camera has more freedom and it can do various forms of jokes. In addition, actors can go around for a long period of time.
In conclusion, shows are structured differently from multi-camera or single-camera. It is supposed to depend on the story and the show.