W7| Reflection on feedback & Reading

Part A: Reflection on feedback

(Figure 1: the screenshot of the pitch powerpoint, source by Zhen)

The link of the pitch:


  • There are lots of useful and instructive advice after presenting our pitch this week.
    • Firstly, the vox pop of the vegan part is canceled. We were going to use vox pop to present various perspectives on the vegan issue. However, just guests said, we are supposed to focus on Jan, who has rich experiences. She should be the main focus.
    • Secondly, we plan to create a contrast between the busy urban setting and the tranquil farm setting. As a result, it can show two completely different lifestyles and leave thinking. The environment scene of the farm is also beneficial to show Jan’s personality. The place she chose to live also represent who she is.
    • In addition, we gonna create two different styles of the city part and the farm part. For the city part, we will construct an objective sense by using narration of our own voices talking can be used over images of the city. For the farm scene, we may choose the observational mode. We want the audience to listen to Jan, watch Jan, and explore who she is by themselves.
    • Finally, we are going to show some vegan diet with some useful information. We know that a large number of people struggles in the preparation of the diet when they first want to be vegan. We would like to give them help by providing some information.
    • As I mentioned above, we hope the audience can meet Jan and leave Jan with some thinking as we do rather than keeping telling information to the audience.

Part B: Reflection on reading

“Camera placement distinctly influences our perception of a documentary’s world and characters as well. Shooting down onto a seated character can diminish her presence and stature; filming up at a character provides a sense of power or command of the frame, even danger if the angle is pushed to an extreme.” 

    • Color. It is easy for the audience to relate colors with moods. For example, blue normally represent sad and bright color usually means joy. For our documentary, we are going to use highly saturated and bright colors to present the peaceful and enjoyable of the farm.

    • Frame (Background/ Shot Size/ location). It is also a significant element to construct the documentary style. Different shot size represents different focus points, such as emotions, environment or body language. To present the beautiful farm and the peaceful life of the farm, we prefer to film the interview outside and record the sound of the environment. In addition, we would like to use the mid-shot to shoot the interview and follow the rule of third. For B-Rolls, we are going to try multiple shot-sizes to provide more choices in the editing process.

    • Camera placement. Just like the quote mentioned, the camera placement also related to the sense of the character, even the documentary. For example, we would like to present a peaceful mood of the farm scene and we want our interviewee to be infectious but sincere rather than too aggressive with her opinion. As a result, we gonna let her tell us her story sitting down on a soft chair to make a comfortable sense to both her and the audience.


Part C: Sence Breakdown template

(Figure1: the screenshot of the scene breakdown template, source by Zhen)


The document of the scene breakdown template: Scene Breakdown


Fox, Broderick 2017, ‘Style: Audiovisualizing the Documentary’, Documentary Media: History, Theory, Practice, Routledge, ProQuest Ebook Central database.

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