Research on French Impressionist Film: Ménilmontant | A


The film called Ménilmontant is a typical film with Montage. It switches the shot back and forth all the time. Besides, it has different technics for different requirement.

For example, when it tries to show the shock emotion of the character, it cut to the face of the character closer and closer. The rhythm of the cut can show the shock perfectly.

(Figure 1: the screenshot of the film named 1926 Dmitri Karsanoff ‘Ménilmontant’ early French Impressionist film, source by Zhen)
(Figure 2: the screenshot of the film named 1926 Dmitri Karsanoff ‘Ménilmontant’ early French Impressionist film, source by Zhen)

Another example is the fast cut at the first scene, the super fast cut to various characters and details can show the tension there obvious. My attention is drawn by the first scene completely.

When it wants to show a sad mood or happy mood, it prefers to use the fade in and fade out effect rather than the cut. The rhythm gets slowly and peaceful.

(Figure 3: the screenshot of the film named 1926 Dmitri Karsanoff ‘Ménilmontant’ early French Impressionist film, source by Zhen)

When it wants to show the hurried and crowded city, it chooses to pan the camera fast with the fast cut. All of them just work so well.

(Figure 4: the screenshot of the film named 1926 Dmitri Karsanoff ‘Ménilmontant’ early French Impressionist film, source by Zhen)

Just like I mentioned, this film is pretty good at attracting audiences’ focus. Almost every frame in the film is interesting because every frame is flowing and sharing the mood.

The flowing is because of the continuing exposure. The suitable twinking exposure makes the stable image flow and interesting. Because it is a black and white film, the use of light and shadow, and the contrast between them looks good.

(Figure 5: the screenshot of the film named 1926 Dmitri Karsanoff ‘Ménilmontant’ early French Impressionist film, source by Zhen)

Additionally, every image is telling the story and spreading the mood.

Images of the environment can be considered as a foreshadowing to the mood.

(Figure 6: the screenshot of the film named 1926 Dmitri Karsanoff ‘Ménilmontant’ early French Impressionist film, source by Zhen)

Moreover, the performance of the characters is intentional grandiloquent, both expression and actions. The advantage of it is that the emotion of characters is obvious and it is easier for audiences to share the feeling. Hence, even though there is no dialogue and subtitle in the film, I can feel the mood of each scene clearly.



artroy 2016, 1926 Dmitri Karsanoff ‘Ménilmontant’ early French Impressionist film, Youtube video, 23 February, artroy, viewed 6 October 2018, <>.




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