From this class, we start to use audio recorders. Besides, we also add log sheet in film-making process for recording rolls, scenes and takes of each shot. We did the dialogue of Lenny again with separating camera recording and sound recording. There was something wrong with our camera. The light of frames were too dark. We changed several places, adjusted white balance with white paper and adjusted exposure. However, there is nothing change with light of frame. We decided to shoot first and adjust light in post-production. We did couple times shooting and recorded sound closer.
After we ask Paul, we learnt that those button under camera lens also can adjust light instead of only white balance button and exposure button. When we play the shot we did, it looks normal on computer. Thus, I think it may be the problem of viewing screen.
When I edited the scene, I found that we forgot record on log sheet. All resources are mess. I didn’t have a right order to edit. It was worse that scenes and sounds were separated. Thus, I need to match them by watch the shape of the mouth when characters talked. Besides, I need to cut sound in pieces of snippets. However, the problem was that there was interval time between frame and frame. In other word, there was silence for a short period of time in a scene. I used different pieces of sound from various shot we did. Thus, the volume were different when I played the scene. I am supposed to use sounds from one shot or adjust them as same level.