PB4 Reflection

PB4 ask us to work in a randoms group and provide a audio work in 7-8 minutes. I would like to divide the assignment into two part. One is the collaboration and the other one is learning technical skills of making a audio video. I think this experience is quite valuable for my media learning.

As a international student, English is my second language. Thus, the language problem is the hardest part for me.  When some professional expert introduced the skills and knowledge, it’s quite hard for me to understand all the things. I may miss some important points. However, I still can check the reader of our media Blog. There are a large number of students’ notes. For the reading, although I read slowly, I still can know the main meaning. For communication of a group, it is quite difficult for me to understand immediately and express my opinion directly, right and clearly. Sometimes I have some great ideas, we may give it up because I can not express clearly. Sometimes my group numbers discuss some ideas, I can not really join in because of the language problem. The luck thing is that my group number always give a list of the work we need to do. Thus, I can finish my part as the list.

I think the most successful thing for this assignment is that we always have a plan. As we know this audio work, we just made a plan about when we finish the research, when we have a group meeting, when we do recording and when we do editing. Besides, we have our clearly division of the audio work. Thus, we know clearly what we are doing and what we are supposed to do. We finished this work step by step instead of always being in hurry.

I always believed that the knowledge of media is interlinked. In other word, the idea of interview may still great for audio work. Evidently, the reading of week 10 ‘Perspective’ is useful for our audio work. Besides, we also get idea from the reading of week 8, the idea of fanbase is quite interesting for our topic. Media make us have opportunity to make image and idea get real. We can express who we are and what we want to show.

For our audio work, we focus on the relationship between music and memory. According to the copyright problem, we also add the idea of fans of movies. We record as a broadcasting. We introduce the fanbase and music of Harry Potter, Star War and The Fast and The Furious. We also do a interview of Harry Potter’s fans. After we listened another group’s audio work and after we get feedback from Jon Tjhia, we do a huge change. I found that audio work is quite different from video because it has higher requirement of attention. It need to be interesting every moment. I quite like the other group’s work, I completely pay my attention on their sounds, the distance and volume change of sound works quite well. We can not only do a introduction as speaking. It need to be more personal. For example, we can add some interview of fans and get more details of them. The recoding is supposed to be more close to our life. We also can add some special factories to make the audio work special. For example, I can speak some sentences in Chinese to show the globalization of Star War.

In my opinion, collaboration is significant for media practitioner as well as media industry. For media industry, we need group work to finish a work better and more efficient. For example, if I make a movie in the future, I can not do all the jobs by myself. I can not do the job of director, script man, camera man at the same time. Media is more like a group work. It needs everyone’s idea and work. Besides, it is significant for a group to have a plan of work.

After PB4, I think I know more about what is media, what media supposed to do and how to work in a group. I also find the language problem of myself. Evidently, I learn technical skill of recording and editing a audio work. In a word, it is a great experience which is super helpful.

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