19 May
As per usual, Dan’s lectorial was on-point. The inclusion of comedic slides in his presentation makes the lectorial much more enjoyable. This week’s focus is on media remixes. The reading that I want to focus this post on is Regressive and Reflexive Mashups in Sampling Culture by Eduardo Navas.
The reading details ‘mashups’ and ‘remixes’ and demonstrates the importance of the difference between the two in media culture, particularly in relation to critical thinking. Whilst the reading began with a focus on music, the reading progressed to media and the web in particular. In relation to the web, web 2.0 theories were pervasive as social media applications were discussed.
a recombination of content and form that opens the space for remix to become a specific discourse intimately linked with new media culture.
Navas, Regressive and reflexive mashups in sampling culture, p. 3
Remixes and mashups are seen/heard throughout society constantly and are considered imperative to our growing and changing media culture. Whilst people argue that remixes and mashups aren’t ‘original’, they do, however, note that they can be ingenious and revolutionary.