Media One Practical 3: Introduction to Editing

19 March


Following on from project brief 1, Media One’s third practical class began with getting into groups and giving peer feedback on our self-portraits. Using a four-hat media version of Edward de Bono’s famous theory on parallel thinking “Six Thinking Hats”, we gave initial responses, what worked well, what didn’t work well and suggestions for improvement. Sharing my self-portrait, I was not nervous because I was very interested to receive feedback and determine what I could improve. With the feedback given by my peers, I decided (with their guidance) that my self-portrait could be described in one word: selective. It was well-received in capturing part of my essence and my writing was applauded; however, I was given feedback that it did not encapsulate me entirely. Which is what I knew would be the case before I even started the project brief. A wholeness cannot be represented through two videos, four photos, two sounds and 50 words of text. Looking back on my self-portrait after the feedback session, however, I can see that I was too succinct in my depictions: that is, I chose to focus on parts of myself and ignore others. In project brief 2 I will definitely try to pervade a broader sense of my being and really try to depict who I really am.

To finish off the practical class, we were given a short editing task where we had to focus on one set theme for our videos. My first created film in Media One, entitled simply ‘Movement’, has been posted on my blog previously and deals with movement (obviously) as my primary theme.

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