Week 8 Tute 1: Planning

Paul had a temporary moment of disbelief this morning that it was Week 8 already, which also set me into a bit of a panic mode. This semester has gone so quick, and although I thought there was still plenty of time left, this is only 4 weeks to get to a final product which in reality is not very long at all.

In the latter half of the seminar, we spent a bit of time jotting down our plans and resources needed to complete our individual investigations. This is the list I came up with:



  • First AD/production manager – to have level head and supervise the set, as I will most likely be using a busy city location
  • Sound person – to use a mixer kit to capture specific environmental sounds that I can then layer
  • Possible actors from Starnow / friends


  • Phone and SLR for short experimental exercises
  • EX3’s (if practical) when shooting final product
  • Sound mixer kit for final shoot


  • City streets – get permission from council (low impact filming)
  • Filming as ‘journalism’ student, not for drama


  • A series of small experimental exercises from Week 8 to Week 9, and these will determine what the final product will be
  • At this stage a final shoot will take place around the end of Week 10 in three different shoot periods at the same location


Hello! I'm Jess and I like pizza and marathoning TV shows.

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