Robbie was away for this week’s workshop but our group continued to have productive sessions, making really good progress on our project brief. In the morning session, we went through the work we created in the last week and worked on putting them together in a bigger picture. I didn’t have much success doing my comparison of newspaper front pages and trending topics, but I worked on revamping our website that we will be putting all our material onto and I was really happy with the format I figured out. We then spent the rest of the class working on creating more material for the site, for which I did some editing of the Rupert Murdoch video. Brian also dropped by around 11 and had a chat, and suggested some ideas to think about e.g. having a “what is an institution” page and having a bit of a narrative or viewing order for all our bits and pieces.
In the afternoon, we collected the tech equipment we reserved and filmed our interview with Philip from the RMIT Journalism program. The answers he gave were really relevant and insightful, and will be a great addition to our project. I think after watching it back and editing it, his thoughts will be really useful in helping us develop further ideas on our topic.