Media Minute: Humans of New York

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Humans of New York is one of my most favourite Facebook pages/websites. It’s run by Brandon Stanton, a 31 year old photographer who makes a living out of photographing strangers on the streets of New York City. The basic concept of the page is that Brandon goes out onto the streets of the city and photographs interesting looking people, posting a portrait and a short accompanying blurb with a story or an answer to a question relating to the subject.

The result is a variety of diverse, interesting, wonderful, heartbreaking, and incredibly human stories that showcases the power of people. It reminds you of the amazing qualities of human nature and the fact that behind every face is a story in such a melting pot of a city. It’s adorable, passionate, inspiring, eye opening and moving, and will definitely restore your faith in humanity if you’re having a bad day.


Hello! I'm Jess and I like pizza and marathoning TV shows.

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